Danny Guglielmucci

Danny Guglielmucci

We are very excited to have Ps. Danny Guglielmucci with us at the next Wellington Pastors & Leaders gathering in April. Danny functions globally as a prophet, founding pastor of one of Australia’s significant multi-campus Churches and continues to be a trusted voice to a new generation of Church leaders.

Join us as we gather, along with hundreds of leaders from around the Wellington region, for a night of worship, networking and a word from Pastor Danny Guglielmucci.

Next Event: Monday, 8 April 2024

7PM for Light Snacks & Networking

Our hope is that these events would strengthen regional camaraderie and mission. It’s an evening to worship together, pray for our city and connect over a light supper. We will endeavour to make these gatherings as valuable as possible to as many Churches, pastors and teams in the Wellington Region.

Take a moment to register for as many people as needed from your Church so we can cater and prepare for you all. We’re excited to meet you!

With you on Mission,

Byron & Boyd

Meet Your Hosts

Boyd & Sharon
ELIM International

Byron & Hannah
Equippers Wellington